Saturday, March 11, 2017

Beware wolf - 1 month 5 man game project

Now here's something more code related, in fact i was the sole "programmer" on our team, i say "programmer" because since most of us didnt have sufficient experience with scripting in Unity we were given a special and quite helpful Tool: the playmaker plugin for Unity.

Basicly it is a visual scripting plugin that contains alot of preset functions with tweakable values presented in Little Blocks that you can visually connect in a node based system.
It really comes in handy when you just need a quick and dirty prototype without too much beforehand experience in scripting.

Beware wolf is a dark fantasy 2.5D action platformer where you as a monster slaying knight dashes through an already doomed village to cleanse it for werewolves.

Triggering of any kind -damage registration or player detection- all depends on trigger colliders; there's no raycasts involved in this project. So as soon the player enter the werewolves detection collider (spans a few metres out from them) they will begin to pursue him, but if the player leaves the collider Again they will simply stop, they do not have any pathfinding to follow when the player is away.

To prevent the player from taking damage from the werewolf simply by touching him, and vice versa, the colliders on their weapons are set to only activation a certain amount of time after receiving the input, this ensures the weapon can only deal damage in the frames of the animation where the actual attack happens.

One of the biggest i didnt have enough or expertize to fix - and which is quite obvious in the video as well- was the lack of proper animation blending, the player may suddenly walk in the air, or slide along the ground motionless. Same goes for the inputs, jumping may not always trigger if you keep moving left and right. So that's definitely gonna be a big focus area for me in future Projects.

and here's some extra gameplay to prove that the player himself is able to die properly ;)